Wednesday, January 4, 2012

No, I'm Not Really Discussing Politics

Every time I get into a discussion about politics, someone ends up in tears.  Okay, so it's usually me.  As a matter of self-preservation, I try to avoid this topic, unless I know I'm among friends who will agree wholeheartedly that my opinion is absolutely 100% correct.  These are the same friends who will always tell me my hair looks good and that I'm really funny.  You know who you are.
It's one thing to post opinions on Facebook, where you may have a list of "friends" that covers the broad spectrum of political views, religious beliefs, and economic backgrounds.  Post something there, and you really run the risk of being torn to shreds.
But this is MY blog!  I can say whatever the hell I want here.  SO there.  Nyah, nyah, nyah.

The last several years have been chock full o' nuts politically speaking, and I know I'm not the only one who actually misses Sarah Palin.  She was 1/10 the crazy of Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul.  Oh, I know, I left out about a half dozen names, but really, I think I've got enough crazy listed here to keep us busy.

The current race to Pennsylvania Avenue makes me wonder; is this all just a really well-written reality tv show?  It has all the makings of Big Brother or Real World or what have you.

Can you tell I don't watch reality tv?  Ssshh...I'm probably the ONE person in America who doesn't.

Anyway, every single day has offered us opportunities to bash our foreheads firmly against our keyboards, in the hopes we'll black out, wake up, and it will all have been something from Frank L. Baum's imagination.  Just now my husband posted a link to a story about Rick Santorum's latest fuckery.  He actually said OUT LOUD that people don't die from a lack of health care.


Sorry.  Let me wipe the blood off these keys.

WHAT?  Rick.  Rick, Rick, Rick.  What the hell did your mother smoke while you were safely ensconced in her uterus?  Or were you actually hatched from a pod?  You were, weren't you?  I am pretty certain the same can be said for all the other batshit-crazy politicians out there.

This all makes Sarah's "I can see Russia from my house" comment pretty tame.  Oh sure, she is definitely nuts.  But she's kind of a halfway point between Bush's flat-out stupidity and Bachmann's "I'll make yer head spin" brand of cuckoo.

I don't really have a point to all this, I just had to say it to SOMEONE.  Anyone!  And yes, I sure as shit went ahead and shared that link on Facebook.